Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The final step in the Sales Strategy Methods

Okay, so now you have all of the numbers that you need to be able to predict how many visits and calls you need to land a meeting. From here you know how many meetings will turn into actual sales. This is a good amount of numbers to have and most sales people only take it this far. But there is one more to the numbers than this. One more final detail to really round out this whole process of knowing your numbers.

The final step is to figure out how many of those sales will lead into repeat sales. This can be a little more difficult to figure out and the most likely statistic to flake out, given situations that can arise. But here is how it works.

This is just like figuring out all the other statistics. Take the amount sales that you've closed and then look at how many of those sales you turn into repeat sales. This will take the longest to get the data on this number. One reason for that is because the repeat sale is often not an immediate sale like the first one. It could take as long as a year to get the right numbers here, although you can't extrapolate a decent figure base off three months and then project forward.

This is the last installment of the three part Sales Strategy Method. I hope you enjoyed. Soon I will be writing about other parts of the sales life.
One final note-if you like to relax by bass fishing, check out this book and web site by the master bass fishers out there. Bass fishing secrets

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