Sunday, January 28, 2007

Make more money now!

I recently was talking to a friend of mine who makes a lot more money than I do, and he works from home for only a few hours a day. I also work from home, but all day long doing copywriting for companies.
Mike often calls me at about noon wanting me to go downtown and meet him for lunch or will want me to head out to the golf course with him. Finally, I asked him how he has all the time in the world to play while making the money that he does.
He replied that he has a very simple system that was working for him, which required him to have one website and just spend a little time each day basically doing maintenance on it.
I have yet to give up my writing, because it is something that I love, but you should take a look at this. I urge you to check it out...aparently it changes lives!
Click Here!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Virtual Mall Online

For those of you who don't know, a new emergy trend is starting to show up. It's called This is an online mall, but is different from any online mall on the internet today. is the first online mall that isn't just a banner site with links to different stores. is a site where one has a person and they walk through the mall, much like a video game. Once inside the mall a person can go to any store on any level of the mall, pick up items and put them in their shopping cart. In addition, the person can chat with other people in the mall, say friends who are there as well.
This is a new technology that is coming to the forefront of online virtual mall shopping today. You might want to get your company on board and take a store space within this mall now!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing really seems to be a great way to make money online. It doesn't take a lot of work and affiliate marketing can be done in the spare time or even during your lunch hour or on breaks, providing you have access to the internet from where you work.
The whole online money making ideas are getting bigger and better all the time. Especially since the internet is growing more and more every day and year.
Affiliate marketing is creating an article that will promote a product from an affiliate marketing site such as clickbank. There are many others out there, but this is the most widely known and easy to access.
There are a few points to be made about affiliate marketing. The first is that you need to know where to submit the articles that are promoting the articles that you are working on. The second is to know which sites will allow you to place an affiliate link within the text of the article. Some will some won't so you need to read over the site to find this out.
In the next post I will talk more about submitting articles to the different article directories for the purpose of affiliate marketing.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Emerging trends for internet marketing

Recently there have been some emerging trends to make money on the internet. If you are not aware of this, you should know it as internet marketing. There are more ways to make money online than ever. You should take your cut into this fast growing market.
Internet marketing is a great way to supplement your income and you could even aspire to make enough to retire on. There are millions of online marketers who do all of their business over the internet. It is possible for you to do this as well.
In the next few blogs I'm going to show a few tricks to start making mony over the internet fast.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Successful Sales People Know Their Numbers

You want to be a successful salesperson. Everyone does. But some people just seem to be better at closing the deal and seem just that much more confident while in a sales meeting or even just talking with the boss.
By knowing your numbers as a salesperson you can dramatically increase the amount of sales you are making every day. In fact, you are able to tell just how much work you need to do in a given day in order to make the amount of mony that you set up as your goal. You want to know how to do this? Look below at some of my other blogs. They willl show you how to get my ebook on Successful People Know Their Numbers.