Monday, November 13, 2006

Create more sales at the sales meeting

What is the point of a sales meeting? It is to produce a sale. To get the client to say yes to your product or service. So why do so many salespeople leave the sales meeting with out an order?
Here are a few tips to help you create more sales at sales meeting.
First, you would be surprised at how many salespeople never actually ask for the sale. They need to come right out and say, "You would like to try out our service today?" or, "How can we get our product into you company today?" Something along these lines. Just be sure to ask for the order.
The second thing many successful salespeople do to create more sales at the sale meeting is just to listen to the client. Try to pick up on their needs and wants through what they are saying at the sales meeting. Often the client will basically tell you how you can get them to purchase from you today.
If you want more tips and help to create more sales, look down below and purchase my new e-book. It will help you not to reinvent the wheel. Something every outstanding salesperson knows not to do.

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