Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Do you start the day with the right mindset to make the sale?

I've noticed that some of the salespeople that I talk to don't start their day in a way that will help them with their business. I say their business, even though they may work for someone else, but that's a topic I will discuss in a later post. Below are a few points on how to start your day right to ensure that you have the best possible chance of making the sales you need to make today.

1. Leave your worries at the door. Don't take your worries and stresses from home to work with you. I know this can be a difficult thing, but you aren't helping yourself if you happen to have some negative feelings or worries bottled up inside yourself. Take a moment to tell yourself that you need a positive outlook and you need to be happy and excited about what you are doing. You don't want to be thinking about whatever worries you may have so when you leave the house, they will stay there; don't worry, they will be there when you get back, but at least you don't have to focus on them when you can't do much or anything at all about it.

2. Feed your brain the right food in the morning. I don't mean what you actually eat, instead I'm talking about the types of information you are putting in your head. If you normally watch the news in the morning, stop. Ok, maybe you should watch some of the sports channels if you have clients that like to talk about sports, but don't feed your mind all of the negative and depressing stories that are typical of the news. If you do watch the news, make it at night, after you have had a super productive day of meetings with clients and lots of sales.

3. Are you constantly learning? You should be feeding your brain new information every day on sales techniques. I know many salespeople who get up an hour early just so that they read a book on sales or information on the products that they sell. This starts their day right with the motivation to achieve more and feel more confident in the products that they sell, and their ability to talk intelligently about the products or services they represent.

Think about your routines in the morning. Are they inline with what you want out of your day and your life?

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